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Part two of our wonderful 4 wheeling trip to northern Wisconsin. We had a blast taking these so we hope you like them. Candy & Brewster
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Willow'S Autumn Walk 2 - We took one last hike in the foothills while it was still warm-warm enough, for Willow to get naked, that is.
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My wife's first. These were taken last Christmas after some spiked cider. Some positive feedback could get more pictures. Please do not show my email address.
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My girlfriend suggested I take some photos with me on a business trip to Asia, these are what I took. Sorry for the blurry shots, it was early and unexpected, but so very nice.
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*Co Carrie'S Hottest Assets - Hi guys ! Here's my contri for this Private Shots Special Theme ! I hope you'll like ! Would you like to see more ?
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Second time. Received some nice comments. Thought I would show my panties. For those who wanted a face -- you should be happy!!!
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Hannah Naked Part 2 - Thanks for all the great comments from Hannahs last contribution taken the day before her 20th birthday...these were taken a week later
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Please enter these pictures in the SI contest. I sure hope everyone loves them as much as hubby. xxx hubby..... They were taken on very HOT occasions. Please do not post email address.
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Again with you hoping that these photos they like and gave me their votes and comments on the page to keep in touch with you. Giovannita.
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Since the weather is still so cold in the Northeast - here's some pictures of me from the past that my husband took in trying to get me to come out of my shell.
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This contest sounded like a good time so I gave it a shot. Hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I did doing them! Brooke ;)